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Caregiving: 4 things to consider to ensure your future is better prepared

Updated: Sep 10, 2021

At some point, you or a family member will be caring for someone else. Before that happens it might be helpful to consider a couple of factors to get ahead of any decision making. Whether its your wife, husband, mother, father or spose or other close relative there are some proactive steps you can take before your deep in the caregiver role:

1. Talk with your loved one who you anticipate caring for about what their wishes and values are along the care process. Starting this conversation earlier rather than later is a win-win for everyone involved. You may want to have a talk about:

When they start needing care what does that look like to them?

What do they want to avoid? What are their expectations? What are yours?

2. Talk with the rest of the family. Talking with other family members about anticipated planning, roles, and teamwork is extraordinarily necessary. I can't stress this enough! This will provide clarity and really take the burden off of any one person. There will be one person taking the lead but it should never mean that one person tends to all of the care. It really takes a family team to care for a loved one.

3. Time- who has it? Consider the level of need that your loved one has or will have. Ask yourself: What formal resources can provide care? Tis will help you gauge where you and other family members will be actively involved.

4. The legal and financial matters- Having a Living Will and/or POA is one of the best gifts we can give our loved ones. If these are not lined up talk with your loved one about completing this. If it is too difficult a subject to broach then consider seeking out a professional who can help guide the conversation.

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